Jojo Moyes

Me Before You

The novel "Me Before You" by Jojo Moyes, published in 2012, is a romance novel written by the English author and journalist. Moyes drew inspiration for the story from her own experience caring for two quadriplegic relatives. The book gained significant popularity and was adapted into a blockbuster film in 2016.

The story revolves around a young Englishwoman named Louisa "Lou" Clark. At the beginning of 2009, Louisa, who is twenty-six years old and from a working-class background, finds herself without a job when the caf? she worked at closes down. Unwilling to take the available factory jobs, she accepts a position as a "care assistant" for the son of a wealthy English family.

Louisa is a likable character but is known for her eccentricities. She has a penchant for wearing unconventional clothing, often tells corny jokes, and finds it difficult to hide her emotions. As the story progresses, Louisa's life becomes intertwined with that of a paralyzed man she cares for, and eventually, a romantic relationship develops between them. The man has made the decision to end his life in the near future.

Several themes are explored throughout the novel. One prominent theme is the notion of bravery in the face of death. The characters must confront the complexities and emotions surrounding the decision to end one's life. Additionally, the power of love is depicted as transformative, allowing individuals to gain new insights and perspectives on themselves and their lives. The story also delves into the limitations imposed by physical and social barriers and how they impact the characters' choices and relationships.

Overall, "Me Before You" is a heartfelt novel that explores themes of love, self-discovery, and the challenging decisions individuals face when confronting their own mortality.

In the novel "Me Before You," Louisa Clark is assigned the role of caregiver for a man named Will Traynor, who has been paralyzed from the neck down for the past two years. At the age of thirty-five, Will had lived a dynamic and adventurous life, thanks to his intelligence and wealth. However, a motorcycle accident left him completely immobile and dependent on others for his daily needs. Will is filled with anger and bitterness towards the world and has expressed his desire to end his life.

Louisa's employment as Will's caregiver is orchestrated by his mother, Camilla. She hopes that Louisa's presence and efforts will help reignite Will's zest for life. Nathan, a full-timenurse, attends to Will's medical needs, while Louisa is responsible for providing companionship and emotional support. Camilla's marriage to Steven, a friendly businessman, is strained and already facing difficulties even before Will's accident. The situation with Will only adds further strain to their relationship.

Louisa, the protagonist of the story, is not particularly adventurous or daring. She has a deep-rooted fear of venturing beyond the boundaries of her small town, which stems from a negative encounter with a group of men in her past. Louisa still lives with her mother, and they share their home with Louisa's younger sister, Katrina, also known as Treena. Treena is a single mother, and Louisa willingly sacrifices her own comfort by sleeping in a closet so that Treena and her daughter can have a larger room. Despite Treena's unemployed status, her outgoing and talkative nature often makes Louisa feel overshadowed and unnoticed.

This initial setup establishes the contrasting lives and personalities of Louisa and Will. Louisa's reserved and sheltered existence collides with Will's formerly vibrant and adventurous lifestyle, setting the stage for a transformative journey of self-discovery and emotional connection between the two characters.

In the novel "Me Before You," Louisa finds herself working for a challenging and emotionally combative man named Will. Despite her initial reluctance, Louisa takes the job due to her family's financial struggles. Will, resentful and bitter, often directs snippy comments towards Louisa, referring to her curtly as "Clark." His emotional state worsens when he learns that his ex-girlfriend, Alicia, has gotten engaged to his best friend, Rupert, which leads him to become even more caustic in his interactions with Louisa.

Despite the difficult circumstances, Louisa and Will gradually develop a bond as they begin to share their stories with each other. One day, Louisa accidentally overhears a conversation between Camilla, Will's mother, and Will's sister, where they discuss Will's previous suicide attempt. Will had tried to end his life by cutting himself after Camilla rejected his request to hire a company called Dignitias, which specializes in end-of-life assistance. Touched by Will's anguish, Camilla eventually agrees to honor his wish, but on the condition that he lives for another six months. Louisa pretends to be unaware of Camilla's plan, but she confides in her sister Treena, sharing the knowledge and seeking ways to convince Will that life is still worth living, even in his current state.

Louisa takes it upon herself to organize more outingsfor Will, hoping to demonstrate to him the value and joy that life can still hold. As their time together unfolds, Will starts to encourage Louisa to embrace a more adventurous life, one that he himself is unable to experience due

to his paralysis. Louisa, eager to show Will that life is full of possibilities, insists that he provide her with specific instructions on how to be adventurous. In doing so, Louisa subtly conveys to Will that there are still reasons to find joy and purpose, even in the face of adversity.

This gradual transformation of their relationship highlights the evolving dynamics between Louisa and Will, as they find solace, understanding, and a newfound determination to live life to the fullest, despite the challenges they both face.

In the story, Louisa faces challenges in her personal life as well. Her father loses his job, adding financial strain to their family. However, Mr. Traynor, Will's father, offers Louisa's father a job at one of his companies, providing a glimmer of hope in their difficult situation. Amidst these changes, Louisa's boyfriend, Patrick, becomes aware of the growing emotional connection between Louisa and Will, and as a result, he ends their relationship.

At Alicia and Rupert's wedding, Louisa and Will engage in a dance and openly flirt with each other in front of everyone present. During the event, Will confides in Louisa, expressing that she is the sole reason he finds motivation to face each new day.

Inspired by her interactions with Will, Louisa decides to step out of her comfort zone and join the local library, an act she had been avoiding due to unpleasant memories associated with it. With access to a computer, she becomes involved in online messaging boards specifically designed for care assistants and quadriplegics. Through the exchange of emails and conversations with others facing similar challenges, Louisa discovers that their struggles are not unique and that there is a wider community of individuals who can relate to their experiences. This realization fuels

her desire to connect with the world beyond her immediate surroundings, encouraging her to seek meaningful connections and broaden her perspective.

Louisa's journey of personal growth intertwines with her growing bond with Will, as they both find solace and strength in each other's company. Their shared experiences and newfound connections with others bring them a sense of belonging and a deeper understanding of the world around them.

As the story progresses, Louisaand Will make plans for multiple vacations together. However, their plans are disrupted when Will falls seriously ill with pneumonia and is hospitalized. During this time, Louisa spends her days by his side, contemplating the calluses on his hands that serve as a testament to the adventurous life he once led. The unexpected circumstances force Louisa, who is typically unambitious, to confront profound topics such as love, mortality, and the importance of seizing the opportunities life presents.

After Will's recovery, Louisa reevaluates their grand travel plans and suggests a more modest trip to Mauritius, a stunning island located off the east coast of Africa. It is during this time that Louisa gathers the courage to express her love for Will. However, he remains silent and she confronts him about his intentions to end his life with the help of Dignitias. Will admits that he loves her, but he cannot bear the thought of spending the rest of his life confined to a wheelchair. Hurt and angered by his response, Louisa storms off and refuses to speak to him for the remainder of their trip.

Upon their return to England, Louisa makes a significant decision and resigns from her position as Will's caregiver. Will's parents, initially happy

to see him in improved physical condition after the vacation, are devastated by Louisa's resignation. They recognize that Louisa was their last hope in trying to change Will's perspective on life and potentially save him from his desire to end his own life. The resignation signifies a turning point in their relationship and leaves the future uncertain for both Louisa and Will.

In the final chapters of the story, Louisa pays a visit to Will on the day before he is scheduled to fly to Switzerland to end his life through assisted suicide. During their meeting, they both acknowledge that the past six months they spent together have been the happiest and most transformative period of their lives.

Following Will's passing, Louisa receives a significant amount of money from him. The purpose of this generous gift is to support her ongoing education and enable her to live life to the fullest. It serves as a poignant reminder of the impact Will had on her life and his desire for her to continue growing and pursuing her dreams.

The novel concludes a few weeks later with Louisa sitting in a Parisian caf? that held special significance for Will. In aletter he left for her, Will expresses his fondness for her and suggests that she purchase a particular perfume he always thought would complement her well. He also encourages her not to dwell on thoughts of him too frequently but instead to embrace life and "live well." This final scene serves as a bittersweet farewell, capturing the enduring connection and love between Louisa and Will while emphasizing the importance of cherishing life even in the face of loss.