Joanne Rowling

"Harry potter and the Prison of Azkaban"

Chapter One: The Arrival of Owl Post

As the story begins, it is midnight. Harry lies quietly on his bed, attempting to write an essay on witch-burning for his Hogwarts classes without arousing the suspicion of his aunt, uncle, and cousin. It would be a terrible shock for them to discover that he was engaged in any form of magic while under their roof. Harry realizes that it's already one o'clock, an hour past his thirteenth birthday. Since the Dursleys have never acknowledged his birthday, Harry doesn't find this occasion particularly noteworthy. He reflects on the death of his parents at the hands of Lord Voldemort and his own encounter with Voldemort the previous spring at Hogwarts. Harry feels relieved to have survived to witness his thirteenth birthday.

Suddenly, Harry notices an unusual flapping noise outside his window. He soon sees three owls approaching - a snowy owl named Hedwig, his own loyal companion, a second unfamiliar owl, and Errol, the feeble family owl belonging to his friend Ron Weasley. The owls bring birthday cards and gifts from Harry's closest friends: Ron, Hermione, and Hagrid. Ron's gifts include a pocket Sneakoscope and a letter describing a family trip to Egypt. Hermione gives Harry a Broomstick Servicing Kit, which he greatly appreciates since Quidditch, his favorite sport, is played on broomsticks. Hagrid's gift is a schoolbook titled "The Monster Book of Monsters." Finally, Harry receives a letter from Hogwarts requesting permission forms from his guardians for the upcoming visits to Hogsmeade, the wizarding village. Harry knows he won't be able to persuade his aunt and uncle to sign the form. Nonetheless, he looks at his cards once more and falls asleep that night, feeling a sense of
importance surrounding his birthday for the first time ever.

Chapter Two: Aunt Marge's Costly Error

The next morning, as Harry walks down to breakfast, he finds his cousin Dudley, his uncle Vernon, and his aunt Petunia engrossed in a television report about a dangerous escaped convict named Black. As usual, the Dursleys pay no attention to Harry. Vernon announces that he will be picking up his sister, Aunt Marge, from the train station and warns Harry to act "normal." Harry is horrified by the news, as Aunt Marge's visits consist of nothing but doting on her menacing dogs and hurling insults at Harry. Suddenly, an idea strikes Harry, and he strikes a deal with Vernon. He agrees topretend he attends a school for incurably criminal boys if Vernon, in return, signs his Hogsmeade permission form. Vernon reluctantly agrees.

Aunt Marge arrives, showering Dudley with praises, sharing her tea with her dog, Ripper, and questioning Harry about the disciplinary measures he endures at his school. Harry responds carefully and politely, though his anger grows with every word as Aunt Marge criticizes his parents. She goes so far as to say, "If there is something wrong with the bitch, there'll be something wrong with the pup." Fuming, Harry accidentally causes her wine glass to shatter. From that moment on, Harry exercises even greater caution. One evening during dinner, Aunt Marge casually remarks that Harry's parents were foolish enough to get themselves killed in a car crash. Enraged, Harry loses control, causing her to expand and float in the air. Chaos erupts, and amidst the turmoil, Harry gathers his belongings and leaves, threatening Uncle Vernon with his wand when his uncle attempts to stop him.

Chapter Three: The Arrival of the Knight Bus

After leaving the Dursleys, Harry finds himself uncertain about his next course of action. He fears expulsion from Hogwarts for performing magic
outside of school and contemplates living as an outcast wizard in London, flying on his broomstick. Feeling a sense of being watched, he panics as he spots the dark silhouette of a creature observing him. In his distress, he tumbles into the gutter, only to be rescued by the Knight Bus, a transportation service for wizards in need. Harry boards the bus, facing inquiries from the curious teenage conductor, Stan Shunpike. Using a false name, Neville Longbottom, and concealing his famous scar beneath flattened hair, Harry secures his place on the bus. The bus zooms through the city, skillfully avoiding obstacles that seem to leap out of its path. Overhearing a conversation between Stan and the driver, Ernie Prang, Harry learns about Sirius Black's escape and his association with Voldemort. Black had spent twelve years in Azkaban, the wizard prison, for committing a heinous crime involving the murder of thirteen individuals with a single curse.

Upon reaching Diagon Alley, a wizarding community in London, Harry disembarks from the Knight Bus. To his surprise, he is greeted by Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic. Fudge inadvertently reveals Harry's true identity to Stan and Ernie, who were eavesdropping. Fudge takes Harry inside for a meal, expressing great relief at his safety.Harry finds Fudge's concern slightly peculiar, particularly as Fudge shows no intention of punishing him for inflating his aunt, who has since returned to her original size. Despite the oddities, Harry doesn't dwell on these thoughts and drifts off to sleep, exhausted, in his room at the Leaky Cauldron, where Fudge arranged his accommodation until the start of school.

Chapter Four: Exploring Diagon Alley

In the following weeks, Harry happily explores Diagon Alley. He completes his homework, indulges in ice cream sundaes at sidewalk cafes, admires a Firebolt broomstick displayed in a Quidditch supplies store window, and purchases his required books for school. While browsing in the bookstore, he becomes alarmed upon seeing a book cover featuring a large black dog associated with omens of death. The image reminds him of the ominous figure he encountered while leaving the Dursleys' residence. During this time, Harry reunites with Ron and
Hermione. As they discuss their summer experiences and upcoming classes, they make a stop at a pet store. While Ron purchases rat tonic for his ailing rat, Scabbers, a ginger cat named Crookshanks pounces on them and chases after Scabbers. Ron is infuriated when Hermione emerges from the pet store with the cat she bought.

The trio later joins the Weasley family, where each member exhibits their distinct personalities. Fred and George, the mischievous twins, entertain everyone with their humor. Percy appears annoyed and rigid, while Ginny, the youngest Weasley sibling, watches shyly and giggles. They share a meal together, and after dinner, as Harry passes by the bedroom, he overhears a heated argument between Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. The disagreement centers around whether they should inform Harry that Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban and allegedly intends to find and harm him. Despite the tense conversation, Harry isn't overly frightened. He believes Hogwarts to be a highly secure place, and he has already encountered Voldemort twice before, bolstering his confidence.

Chapter Five: Encounter with the Dementor

The next morning, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and the Weasley family are driven to King's Cross Station by company cars from the Ministry of Magic. This special treatment surprises them all. They pass through the magical barrier between platforms nine and ten and make their way to platform nine-and-three-quarters, where they board the Hogwarts Express train. Just before the train departs, Mr. Weasley pulls Harry aside, warning him to avoid searching for Black. On the train, Harry fills Ron andHermione in on what he has learned about Black, while a tired-looking man dozes off nearby, his briefcase labeled R.J. Lupin. The conversation shifts to Hogsmeade, leaving Harry feeling disappointed about not being allowed to go.

As the journey continues, Crookshanks, Hermione's cat, attacks Ron's pet rat, Scabbers. Draco Malfoy, Harry's rival, takes the opportunity to taunt Ron about his family's financial situation. However, he stops when he notices Professor Lupin, who is sleeping nearby. Suddenly, the train
comes to a halt, and all the lights go out. A tall, hooded figure enters Harry's compartment, and he is overwhelmed by a cold, dreadful sensation and haunting screams. Harry loses consciousness. When he wakes up, he learns that the figure was a Dementor, one of Azkaban's guards. Professor Lupin repelled the Dementor by conjuring a silvery substance. Lupin offers chocolate to Harry and the other affected students to help them recover. Shortly after, they arrive at Hogwarts.

Chapter Six: Lessons and Mysterious Tea Leaves

During breakfast the next morning, Malfoy and his friends continue to taunt Harry about the Dementor incident. Harry ignores them and focuses on preparing for classes with Ron and Hermione. Hermione, who has signed up for three morning classes, deflects Ron's inquiries about her schedule. The trio heads to the Divination classroom, navigating through numerous stairs and twists with the guidance of a short-tempered knight named Sir Cadogan.

In Divination, Professor Trelawney makes vague predictions about the future and instructs the class to drink tea and interpret the remaining tea leaves. Ron and Harry entertain themselves with false interpretations until Professor Trelawney joins them and identifies a Grim, a black dog associated with death omens, in Harry's cup. This discovery alarms everyone except for skeptical and somewhat dismissive Hermione. The class silently leaves Divination and proceeds to Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall, who reassures them by mentioning that Professor Trelawney has predicted a student's death each year, and none have come true so far. The next class is Care of Magical Creatures, where Hagrid introduces them to Hippogriffs, creatures that are part horse and part eagle. Harry volunteers to approach a Hippogriff named Buckbeak and follows Hagrid's instructions to show respect before riding on its back. However, when Harry returns to the ground, Malfoy taunts Buckbeak, resulting in the creature attacking him. Hagrid takes the injured Malfoy to the hospital wing. Harry feels upset, particularly because Malfoy had been bragging to hisfriends about how he could persuade his father to get Hagrid fired from his job. That night, Harry,
Ron, and Hermione visit a sorrowful and intoxicated Hagrid, who suddenly warns Harry against wandering the grounds at night before escorting them back to the castle.

Chapter Seven: Confronting the Boggart

After Malfoy's return to class with his arm bandaged, Potions class proceeds with Snape favoring the Slytherins. Harry is infuriated by Malfoy's arrogance and his comments about seeking revenge on Sirius Black, but he tries to focus on his work. The trio then heads to the defense against the dark arts class with Professor Lupin. Hermione briefly disappears and reappears at the base of the stairs, causing confusion.

In the classroom, Lupin reveals that they will be facing a Boggart that has taken residence in a wardrobe. Neville is chosen to face the Boggart first, and despite his fear, he successfully uses the "Riddikulus" spell to transform the Boggart into something humorous. The rest of the class takes turns, overcoming their fears and turning the Boggart into objects of laughter. Lupin and Ron also face the Boggart, with Lupin encountering an orb and Ron facing a giant spider. The class successfully defeats the Boggart, but Harry does not get a turn.

Chapter Eight: Chaos at Gryffindor Tower

Defense against the dark arts becomes a favorite class for everyone, except Malfoy who enjoys mocking Professor Lupin's appearance. Meanwhile, Gryffindor House prepares for Quidditch practice in hopes of winning the Quidditch House Cup. As Halloween approaches, Ron and Hermione sympathize with Harry's disappointment over not being able to visit Hogsmeade and promise to bring him back lots of sweets. However, they argue vehemently about their pets, particularly when Crookshanks attacks Scabbers again.

During the Hogsmeade visit, Harry is invited by Professor Lupin to have tea in his office. Harry asks why he didn't get a chance to face the
Boggart, to which Lupin responds that he didn't want Voldemort to manifest in the classroom. This surprises Harry, who clarifies that he was more concerned about the Dementors. Lupin commends Harry's wisdom, stating that his fear of fear itself is significant. Their conversation is interrupted by Snape, who enters with a steaming goblet, which Lupin drinks without hesitation. Harry becomes concerned that Snape may be poisoning Lupin in an attempt to secure his teaching position, but his suspicions go unnoticed.

Upon returning from Hogsmeade, Harry receives a bundle of candy fromRon and Hermione. He shares his encounter with Lupin with them. Later, during the Halloween feast, they are shocked to find the portrait of the Fat Lady, the guardian of the Gryffindor entrance, slashed and the Fat Lady missing. Peeves, the mischievous poltergeist, revels in the chaos, gleefully revealing that Sirius Black was responsible for the attack on the portrait.

Chapter Nine: A Devastating Defeat

Following Black's break-in, all the students are relocated to the Great Hall while the professors, led by Dumbledore, conduct a search of the castle. Despite their efforts, nothing is found. The Fat Lady is replaced by Sir Cadogan, an eccentric portrait who challenges students with intricate passwords and demands duels.

As the weather worsens, Gryffindor House prepares for their first Quidditch match against Hufflepuff. Oliver Wood, the Gryffindor captain, warns the team not to underestimate their opponents. On the day of the match, Harry enters Defense Against the Dark Arts class to find Snape as the substitute, teaching the class about werewolves and disregarding Lupin's lesson plans.

During the match, the rain and wind make visibility difficult. Harry and Cedric Diggory, the Hufflepuff seeker, search for the Snitch but cannot locate it. Suddenly, Harry spots a large black dog near the bleachers. At that moment, he spots the Snitch and begins to chase after it on his Nimbus 2000 broomstick. However, his attention is soon diverted as he
sees hundreds of Dementors surrounding the field. Overwhelmed by the cold and haunted by his mother's screams, Harry falls from his broomstick. He wakes up in the hospital wing to learn that Cedric caught the Snitch, securing Hufflepuff's victory. Harry's Nimbus was damaged after landing in the Whomping Willow in the Forbidden Forest.

Chapter Ten: Unveiling the Marauder's Map

Devastated by his fall and the loss of the game, Harry is also troubled by the effects of the Dementors and his recurring sightings of the Grim, a foreboding omen. Lupin returns to teach and excuses them from Snape's excessive werewolf homework. After class, Lupin explains to Harry that the Dementors affect him more intensely because of the horrors in his past. Dementors thrive on spreading misery and despair. Lupin promises to teach Harry an anti-Dementor spell after Christmas, bringing some hope to Harry's spirits.

Around the same time, another trip to Hogsmeade is scheduled. Fred and George Weasley discreetly introduce Harry to a special map known as the Marauder's Map. The map reveals thelayout of Hogwarts, including secret passages and the whereabouts of people. It remains invisible until activated with the phrase "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." The map is signed by four names: Padfoot, Prongs, Moony, and Wormtail. Harry uses the map to navigate the underground tunnels and reaches the basement of Honeydukes, a sweetshop in Hogsmeade. There, he reunites with Ron and Hermione. While Ron is delighted to see Harry, Hermione expresses concern about Black potentially having access to Harry or the tunnels he used. Together, they gather an armful of wizarding sweets and head to the Three Broomsticks Pub. They enjoy hot butterbeer served by Madam Rosmerta until Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic, arrives with several Hogwarts teachers, including Hagrid, McGonagall, and Professor Flitwick. Harry hides under a table and overhears their conversation, learning about Black's involvement in the deaths of thirteen people, including the betrayal of Harry's parents. Fudge reveals that Black was the Potter family's Secret-Keeper, who disclosed their location to Voldemort, resulting in their tragic demise.

Chapter Eleven: The Gift and the Trial

Harry is consumed with anger and thoughts of revenge against Sirius Black after overhearing the conversation about his parents' betrayal. Ron and Hermione try to dissuade him from taking any reckless actions and suggest visiting Hagrid for a change of atmosphere. However, their visit to Hagrid brings more distress as they learn that Buckbeak, the hippogriff, is facing a trial that could result in his execution. Despite their efforts to find hopeful precedents, their research yields no promising outcomes.

On Christmas morning, Harry wakes up to discover a Firebolt broomstick among his presents. Thrilled by the gift, he is eager to try it out. Hermione, however, expresses concern and reports the broomstick to Professor McGonagall, suspecting it might be sent by Sirius Black. McGonagall confiscates the Firebolt for examination, much to Ron and Harry's anger.

Chapter Twelve: Mastering the Patronus Charm

Classes resume, and Oliver Wood promises to convince Professor McGonagall to return Harry's Firebolt. In the meantime, Harry begins weekly sessions with Lupin to practice the anti-Dementor spell, which involves summoning a Patronus, a powerful protective charm. Lupin instructs Harry to focus on his happiest memory while uttering the incantation "Expecto Patronum" to repel the Dementor, represented by a Boggart. Harry attempts the spell several times using different joyful memories, such as flying on a broomstick, winning the House Championship, and leavingPrivet Drive for Hogwarts. While he experiences some success with the last memory, he remains weakened after each encounter. Lupin provides him with chocolate as a restorative and sends him on his way. Harry secretly fears that he may not truly want to let go of hearing his parents' voices, which hinders his ability to produce a fully formed Patronus.

Time passes, and Hermione continues to be overwhelmed by her studies. Oliver Wood returns disappointed from his meeting with Professor McGonagall, who refuses to return the Firebolt just yet. During another lesson with Lupin, Harry asks what is beneath a Dementor's cloak. Lupin explains that only those who have encountered the Dementor's kiss can truly know, as the Dementor lowers its cloak only when it is about to administer the kiss, which involves extracting the soul from the victim. Lupin reveals that the Ministry of Magic has authorized the use of the Dementor's kiss on Sirius Black if he is captured. This revelation unsettles Harry as he leaves the lesson and runs into Professor McGonagall, who returns the Firebolt to him. The news spreads quickly in the Gryffindor common room, and even Hermione takes a break from her studies to talk to Harry. However, the joy is short-lived when Ron angrily reports that Scabbers, his pet rat, is missing, and his sheets show signs of blood and orange cat hairs.

Chapter Thirteen: Gryffindor's Triumphant Match

Tensions escalate between Ron and Hermione following Scabbers' presumed demise at the paws of Crookshanks. To lift Ron's spirits, Harry offers him a ride on the Firebolt after Quidditch practice, and Ron eagerly accepts. The Gryffindor team is fully engrossed in their preparations for the upcoming match against Ravenclaw. As Harry's confidence soars on his new broomstick, the team's morale rises in tandem, and the game promises to be extraordinary. Excitement fills the air, with Oliver Wood, Percy Weasley, and his girlfriend Penelope joining in the fervor. Mounted on their broomsticks, the players take to the field as the match commences. Lee Jordan, the announcer, becomes fixated on Harry's impressive new broomstick, unintentionally neglecting to provide commentary on the other plays. Harry, serving as the seeker, finds himself in pursuit of the Snitch, while also developing a budding crush on Cho Chang, a talented Ravenclaw fourth-year. Oliver Wood reprimands Harry for being too chivalrous and not aggressively jostling Cho to seize the Snitch. At last, Harry spots theSnitch and races towards it. However, his attention is diverted by the presence of three figures resembling Dementors hovering near the field. Acting on instinct, Harry instinctively
casts a Patronus at them, swiftly capturing the Snitch and securing a resounding victory for Gryffindor. It is only afterward that Harry discovers the "Dementors" were, in fact, a group of disguised Slytherins, including Malfoy, who aimed to destabilize Harry's performance. Their misconduct leads to severe punishment from Professor McGonagall, much to the delight of the Gryffindors. Harry and his friends jubilantly retire to the Gryffindor common room, where they celebrate well into the night. Eventually, Harry returns to his dormitory to rest, only to be abruptly awakened by Ron's terrified scream. Ron claims that Sirius Black had torn open the curtains surrounding his bed, sending the entire dormitory into a state of panic. Under McGonagall's questioning, Sir Cadogan admits that he had granted access to an individual who possessed a slip of paper containing all the passwords. The slip, as revealed later, was accidentally left behind by Neville Longbottom in one of the corridors.

Chapter Fourteen: Snape's Vendetta

In the aftermath of the second break-in by Black, Hogwarts intensifies its security protocols. Doors are enchanted to recognize Black's appearance, and multiple trolls guard the Fat Lady's portrait. Neville is no longer given Gryffindor's password. One afternoon, Harry and Ron receive an invitation from Hagrid to join him for tea. During their visit, Hagrid expresses his disappointment in them for neglecting Hermione, who has been deeply hurt by their actions. He emphasizes the value of their friendship over material possessions like broomsticks and pets.

Another trip to Hogsmeade arrives, and this time Harry ventures through the secret tunnels using his invisibility cloak. In Hogsmeade, he and Ron explore the infamous Shrieking Shack, known as the most haunted house in Britain. They encounter taunts from Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle, and Harry retaliates by throwing mud at them from under his cloak, resulting in laughter and amusement until his invisibility is compromised and his head is revealed. Harry quickly flees back to Hogwarts, but not before Malfoy reports the incident to Snape. Harry manages to stash his cloak in the tunnel just in time, as Snape intercepts him in the hallway and summons him to his office. Snape takes the opportunity to insult Harry, drawing comparisons between his arrogance and that of his
father. Enraged, Harry lashes outat Snape, demanding he stop speaking. Snape retaliates by demanding Harry empty his pockets, leading to the discovery of the Marauder's Map. Instead of divulging its secrets, the map insults Snape. Snape calls Lupin through the fireplace, and Lupin arrives to examine the map, dismissing it as a prank from Zonko's joke shop. Ron arrives at that moment, explaining that he had bought the map for Harry months ago. Snape reluctantly allows the boys to leave, but Lupin summons them to his office afterward and scolds them sternly for possessing the map while Black is on the loose. He warns them that the map's creators may have ulterior motives to lure them out of the safety of the castle. "Your parents sacrificed their lives to protect you, Harry," Lupin reminds them. "It is a poor way to repay them by risking their sacrifice for a bag of magical tricks." As Harry and Ron walk away, they are approached by Hermione, who delivers the news that Buckbeak lost the case and is sentenced to execution.

Chapter Fifteen: The Quidditch Final

As Hagrid's note explaining Buckbeak's verdict is examined by Harry, Ron, and Hermione, a moment of reconciliation arises between Ron and Hermione, and Hermione seizes the opportunity to apologize for Scabbers's death. Normalcy returns to their friendship. In the following care of magical creatures lesson, Hagrid expresses sadness over Buckbeak. When Malfoy mocks his tears, Hermione reacts by slapping him. Shortly after, Hermione skips charms class and is discovered by Harry and Ron fast asleep in the Gryffindor common room. She appears worn out and stressed. Later, Hermione arrives late to Divination, entering while the class is engrossed in gazing into crystal balls. Professor Trelawney offers vague predictions about their final exam and happens upon yet another Grim in Harry's crystal ball, prompting Hermione to exclaim, "Not that absurd Grim again!" Astonishingly, Hermione leaves the class, leaving Harry perplexed.

Tensions escalate as the exams and the final Quidditch match draw near. Gryffindor and Slytherin vie for the coveted Cup, with Gryffindor needing to defeat Slytherin by a margin of at least two hundred points. The night before the game, Harry finds sleep elusive, plagued by a series of
nightmares. In one instance, he wakes up to spot a large black dog outside the window, but by the time he calls Ron's attention to it, the creature has vanished. Finally, the day of the matcharrives, and despite the Slytherins resorting to their usual foul play, they prove no match for Harry on his Firebolt. He soars through the air, parting crowds, safeguarding his teammates, and relentlessly seeking the Snitch. Spotting it near the ground, he engages in a thrilling race with Malfoy, the Slytherin Seeker. Harry triumphantly catches the Snitch, securing victory for Gryffindor and clinching the Quidditch Cup. Overwhelmed with joy and tears, the team celebrates. As the chapter concludes, Harry reflects on his current state of happiness, believing that he could summon an impressive Patronus.

Chapter Sixteen: Professor Trelawney's Prediction

Following the triumphant Quidditch victory, the time for final exams descends upon Hogwarts. The students immerse themselves in diligent preparation. The care of magical creatures exam proves to be a breeze, as Hagrid, apprehensive about further mishaps, opts to teach only mundane and harmless creatures like flobberworms. Harry excels in the defense against the dark arts exam, where he must demonstrate his prowess in combating the various creatures they have studied throughout the term. In Divination class, Professor Trelawney assigns Harry the task of discerning signs of the future within a crystal ball, a task he fictitiously fulfills. Suddenly, a profound change overtakes Professor Trelawney's voice, her eyes glazed over with a hypnotic gaze. She utters a chilling prophecy, predicting the return of the Dark Lord's servant before midnight tonight. Abruptly snapping out of her trance, she has no memory of the prediction. Harry rushes out to find Ron, but before he can utter a word, Ron and Hermione deliver the devastating news that Buckbeak's appeal has been unsuccessful, and the execution is scheduled for sunset.

The three friends make their way to Hagrid's hut, intent on offering solace to the distraught groundskeeper. However, before they depart, Hermione discreetly retrieves Harry's invisibility cloak from the secret
tunnel. Upon reaching Hagrid's cabin, they discover him shaken but not in a state of hysteria. Hagrid reveals his belief that Lucius Malfoy must have coerced the Committee for Disposal of Dangerous Creatures into upholding Buckbeak's execution. In the midst of their conversation, a mishap occurs as Hagrid accidentally drops a milk jug, prompting Hermione to fetch a replacement. To her astonishment, she discovers Scabbers concealed within the jug. Ron seizes the frantic rat, struggling to keep him still in his hands. Meanwhile, the executioners arrive, and Hagrid discreetly ushers Harry, Ron, and Hermione beneath the protective cloak ofinvisibility, urging them to leave his cabin. As they walk away, the chilling sound of an axe striking down resonates in their ears.

Chapter Seventeen: Cat, Rat, and Dog

As Harry, Ron, and Hermione retreat from Hagrid's cabin, their attempts to remain concealed under Harry's cloak are hindered by Scabbers' restlessness. Harry soon understands the source of the rat's unease when he notices Crookshanks emerging stealthily from the Forbidden Forest, closely followed by the imposing black dog. The dog pounces on Harry and then Ron, dragging Ron away into the forest. Harry and Hermione swiftly give chase, witnessing the dog dragging Ron into the Whomping Willow, injuring him in the process. Determined, they follow suit, discovering a hidden knot on the tree that, when pressed by Crookshanks, momentarily pacifies the thrashing branches. The concealed path leads them to a boarded-up building, instantly recognizable as the Shrieking Shack in Hogsmeade. In an upper room, they find Ron, guarded by Sirius Black, who has transformed from the black dog. Black disarms Harry and Hermione using the Expelliarmus spell. Consumed by anger towards the man responsible for his parents' demise, Harry launches himself at Black, reclaiming his wand with assistance from Ron and Hermione, and corners the unarmed Black, his nemesis, at his mercy. Crookshanks sits atop Black's chest, acting as a protective sentinel.

Just as Harry musters his courage to end Black's life, Professor Lupin bursts into the room, disarming Harry. In a hushed voice, Lupin inquires,
"Where is he?" and Black points towards Ron. The two men share a silent understanding, embracing each other. Hermione accuses Lupin of treachery, revealing her belief that he is a werewolf, deduced from witnessing his Boggart taking the form of the moon and noting his regular absences during full moons. Lupin commends her astuteness and attempts to explain, only to be continuously interrupted by the furious accusations of Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Growing exasperated, Lupin returns their wands and reveals that while examining the Marauder's Map, he observed Ron, Harry, and Hermione leaving Hagrid's cabin, alongside the name Peter Pettigrew, linked to Ron. It is then that Lupin realized Peter's survival and his disguise as Scabbers.

Chapter Eighteen: Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs

Ron struggles to accept the truth that his loyal pet rat is, in fact, an animagus named Peter Pettigrew. Filled with rage, Black expresses his desire to kill Peter. However, Lupin intervenes, demanding that Black explain everythingbefore any rash actions are taken. Lupin begins recounting his own history, sharing that when he arrived at Hogwarts as a young werewolf, Dumbledore devised a plan for him to safely leave the school grounds through the Whomping Willow and seek refuge in the Shrieking Shack during his full moon transformations. Consequently, the legend of the Shack being haunted was born out of the werewolf's presence. Lupin's dear friends, James Potter, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew, discovered Lupin's secret and, out of loyalty, worked tirelessly to become animagi themselves. Their goal was to assume animal forms and keep Lupin company without putting themselves in danger. Together, the four friends extensively explored Hogwarts and Hogsmeade, using their knowledge to create the Marauder's Map.

Hermione interjects, highlighting the rarity of registered animagi, only numbering seven over the course of a century. Lupin sadly admits that they were unregistered and expresses remorse for never informing Dumbledore about Black's animagus ability, which would have allowed him to enter the castle in a different form. However, Lupin explains that he felt indebted to Dumbledore for providing him with an education and
employment, and he did not want to betray that trust. Lupin proceeds to reveal that Snape, who now brews the revolutionary Wolfsbane potion that enables Lupin to retain his human mind during his transformations, was always suspicious of his monthly disappearances. On one occasion, Black played a cruel prank by luring Snape to follow Lupin into the Whomping Willow, and James Potter rushed to save him from encountering the fully transformed werewolf at the tunnel's end. This incident contributes to Snape's deep-seated animosity towards Lupin, Black, James Potter, and Harry, Snape's son. As Lupin finishes recounting these events, Snape unexpectedly appears in the room, shedding Harry's invisibility cloak.

Chapter Nineteen: The Servant of Lord Voldemort

Snape sneers upon discovering Harry's invisibility cloak, which he found at the base of the Whomping Willow. He proceeds to restrain Lupin and points his wand threateningly at Black, fueled by his desire for vengeance. Snape refuses to hear the full story, consumed by his own agenda. In a decisive moment, Harry, Ron, and Hermione disarm Snape simultaneously, rendering him unconscious. Black seizes the opportunity to explain that he recognized Scabbers as Peter Pettigrew in a newspaper photograph given to him by Cornelius Fudge during a visit. Motivated by this revelation, Black embarked on a quest to locate Pettigrew at Hogwarts. Hereveals that Pettigrew's missing toe was self-inflicted, suggesting that he had severed his own finger before vanishing into the sewers following an explosion on the street. Black further reveals that Hermione's cat, Crookshanks, had been aiding him in his pursuit of Pettigrew.

Despite these explanations, Harry remains fearful and skeptical. To dispel any doubts, Lupin reverts Scabbers' form back into that of a short, balding man - Peter Pettigrew. Peter squirms nervously, pleading with everyone present to believe in his innocence and release him. Only after further clarifications and revelations does Harry finally accept the truth that Sirius Black is innocent, and that Peter Pettigrew was indeed a loyal supporter of Voldemort who betrayed Harry's parents. Reluctantly, Peter
admits his allegiance as Voldemort's servant, despite evading the truth for as long as possible. Lupin and Black prepare to execute Peter, but Harry intervenes, reminding them that his father would not have wanted his two closest friends to become murderers. They securely bind Peter and position him between Lupin and Ron, while also bringing the unconscious Snape along. Together, they make their way back to Hogwarts, determined to confront the authorities with the captured traitor.

Chapter Twenty: The Dementor's Kiss

As the group makes their way back through the tunnels, Sirius Black reveals to Harry that he is his godfather and extends an invitation for Harry to live with him once his name is cleared. Overjoyed at the prospect of escaping the Dursleys, Harry eagerly accepts the offer. Emerging from the underground into the forest, the clouds part, revealing a full moon. Lupin transforms into a werewolf, breaking free from the chain that bound him to Peter. Black assumes his dog form and engages in a fierce battle with the werewolf, driving him away into the depths of the woods. In the chaos, Peter seizes Lupin's wand, stupefies Ron, and transforms back into a rat before escaping. Black swiftly pursues him into the forest.

Harry and Hermione tend to the unconscious Ron, confirming that he is alive. Their attention is abruptly diverted by the sound of a dog's howl, causing them to witness Black, now in human form, cowering in fear as a horde of over a hundred Dementors approaches. Determined to help, Harry and Hermione rush to his side, but Harry's Patronus struggles to repel the overwhelming number of Dementors. Exhausted and disheartened, Hermione collapses beside Harry, drained of energy. Harry feels his strengthwaning as one of the Dementors lowers its hood, revealing its grotesque features and prepares to administer the soul-sucking kiss. Submerged in an abyss of cold and despair, Harry is on the verge of succumbing when suddenly, a radiant figure emerges, driving the Dementors away. The air becomes warm once more as the Dementors retreat, and Harry gazes across the lake to witness a majestic, shimmering animal galloping towards a figure who bears a
striking resemblance to his father. Overwhelmed by exhaustion, Harry loses consciousness, fainting in the aftermath of the encounter.

Chapter Twenty-One: Hermione's Secret

As Harry awakens in the hospital ward, he overhears Snape boasting about his supposed heroism in saving the students from the werewolf and Sirius Black. Cornelius Fudge commends Snape and promises him an award. Harry and Hermione quickly jump out of bed, determined to explain what they witnessed and reveal Pettigrew's appearance and Black's innocence. However, Snape dismisses their claims, insisting that Black must have used tricks to confuse their minds. Undeterred, Harry and Hermione continue to defend Black, but their conversation is interrupted by the arrival of Dumbledore. Dumbledore informs them that he needs to speak with them alone.

After the others leave, Dumbledore expresses his belief in Black's story, but admits that there is no concrete evidence to support it. He cryptically mentions that they need more time to save two lives that night, and Hermione nods in understanding. Once Dumbledore departs, Hermione turns an hourglass pendant three times, transporting Harry and herself back in time to the Forbidden Forest. There, they overhear their past selves visiting Hagrid. Hermione explains in a hushed tone that she possesses the Time-Turner, a device that allows her to attend multiple classes at once. It is crucial for them to avoid being seen by their past selves while they are in their future forms.

Realizing that the second life Dumbledore referred to is Buckbeak's, Harry and Hermione patiently wait near Hagrid's cabin. When the executioners retreat inside for paperwork, they free Buckbeak, and together with Hermione, hide in the forest. They hear the sound of frustration as the executioners realize their intended victim has escaped and Hagrid's joyful howl at the unexpected turn of events. Harry and Hermione witness their past selves entering and exiting the Whomping Willow. While Hermione and Buckbeak take shelter in Hagrid's empty cabin to avoid the werewolf, Harry slips out to observe the conjuring ofthe Patronus. He watches as the Dementors approach, attempting to
administer the soul-sucking kiss, but Harry realizes that he was the one who conjured the powerful stag Patronus, not his father as he initially suspected. In a moment of clarity, he summons his Patronus again, saving his own life, Hermione's, and Black's. Understanding that his Patronus takes the form of a stag, Prongs, his father's animagus form, Harry shares a brief connection with his father before the figure disappears. Rejoining Hermione, they fly on Buckbeak's back to the tower room where Black is being held, and they release him and Buckbeak, allowing them to escape to freedom.

Chapter Twenty-Two: Owl Post Again

Harry and Hermione return to the hospital ward just minutes before Dumbledore's departure, aligning with the time they turned back. They confide in Dumbledore about their extraordinary feat, and he expresses his pleasure with their actions. However, Snape is furious when he learns that Black has escaped, and he storms into the ward, accusing Harry of setting Black free. The other teachers intervene, forcing Snape to leave, and Fudge retracts the promised award.

The following day starts peacefully until Hagrid informs Harry, Ron, and Hermione that Buckbeak has escaped. Hagrid also reveals that Lupin has resigned from the school. Harry rushes to meet Lupin as he prepares to leave, and Lupin explains in his usual amiable manner that he cannot be near students during his transformations after the events of the previous night. Dumbledore catches Harry leaving Lupin's office and has a brief conversation with him, explaining that it is not a coincidence that Harry's Patronus takes the form of his father's animagus. Dumbledore assures Harry that he made a wise choice by setting Pettigrew free. Confused and feeling a tinge of sadness, Harry boards the train back to London.

On the train, Hermione announces her decision to lighten her course load for the next semester, and Ron makes plans for Harry to stay with him over the summer. Suddenly, a small, fluffy owl taps against Harry's window, carrying a note from Sirius Black. Black assures Harry of his safety, confirms that he did send the Firebolt broom, and gives Ron permission to keep the owl as a replacement for his lost rat. Enclosed
with the note is another message granting Harry permission to visit Hogsmeade in the upcoming year. Filled with anticipation for a better summer than the last, Harry returnsto the Dursleys' with newfound hope.