"Blood of Elves"

Chapter 1

The story begins with Ciri having a nightmare while camping in the woods with Geralt. Her dream is about the recent attack on Cintra by the kingdom of Nilfgaard. She sees a knight in black armor with a feather on his helmet and wakes up terrified. Geralt tries to comfort her, and she falls back asleep holding his hand.

A year later, Dandelion performs a ballad about Geralt and Ciri for an outdoor audience at Bleobheris, a gathering place for different races like humans, elves, and dwarves. The audience becomes curious about what happened after the events in the song, but Dandelion insists that his work is fictional and deals with universal themes. The crowd discusses Ithlinne's Prophecy, which predicts the end of the world. Some people believe that Nilfgaard's attack is a punishment for the North's selfishness and pride, while others think it is one of the signs mentioned in the prophecy. The prophecy also mentions the "Blood of Elves" as the first sign. The crowd debates the significance of elves dying, with some not caring and others pointing out that many people have elven blood due to interracial marriages. The debates become intense, and the audience doesn't notice when Dandelion leaves for a nearby town.

In the town, Dandelion visits a brothel and encounters a stranger named Rience who is looking for Geralt and Ciri. Rience chases Dandelion through a secret passage and captures him, intending to torture information out of him. However, a hooded woman, revealed to be Yennefer of Vengerberg, interrupts them with a powerful display of magic. Yennefer defeats Rience's hired minions but fails to stop him from escaping through a portal. Yennefer identifies Dandelion and warns him to stop singing the song about Geralt and Ciri. She also informs Dandelion that Dijkstra, the head of Redania's intelligence service, wants a report from him about what he learned while performing at King Ervyll's court in Verden. Yennefer mentions that the person who opened the portal for Rience is powerful. Dandelion believes Rience works for

Nilfgaard and recalls that Rience referred to the "Conquest of Cintra," whereas Northerners call it the "Massacre of Cintra." Yennefer chooses not to warn Geralt about Rience but expresses gratitude to Dandelion for being Geralt's friend.

Returning to Geralt and Ciri's timeline, they arrive at Kaer Morhen, the witchers' keep. The state of disrepair and scattered bones outside the castle disturbCiri. They are greeted by another witcher named Eskel in the entrance tunnel. Ciri is frightened by the rats in the hall and Eskel's facial scar. Geralt introduces Ciri to the other witchers, Vesemir, Lambert, and Co?n, referring to her as "our destiny."

Chapter 2

Arrival of Triss Merigold at Kaer Morhen around the time of Dandelion's concert. Triss is surprised to see Ciri training outside the fortress, as she believed no children were taken in since the attack on the witchers years ago. Triss and Ciri ride back to Kaer Morhen together, and during their conversation about the unburied bones of the witchers, Ciri enters a trance. In this trance, Ciri speaks in a voice that is not her own and tells Triss that she will die once more when the monument on the Hill claims her. This refers to the Battle of Sodden Hill, where Triss and other mages fought, and Triss was presumed dead after being severely wounded, earning her the nickname "Fourteenth." Ciri abruptly wakes from the trance, thinking she had merely fallen asleep due to exhaustion. At Kaer Morhen, Geralt greets Triss warmly, but not as warmly as she had hoped. Triss remembers a brief affair she had with Geralt while he and Yennefer were separated, which involved a little magic to seduce him.

Triss suspects that Ciri's prophetic trances have unsettled the witchers, leading them to seek help from a sorceress. The next morning, Triss takes Ciri to get new clothes and is shocked to discover large bruises on Ciri's back, shoulders, and legs. Ciri takes pride in these bruises as they are evidence of her hard work in training. She shares with Triss that Geralt taught her not to give up when she feels afraid and asks if Triss can transform her into a boy to make training easier. Triss explains that she cannot fulfill that request, so Ciri whispers a different request in her ear. Triss becomes angry and confronts the witchers downstairs.

Triss admonishes the men for pushing Ciri too hard in her training and for being unaware of her menstrual cycles. Ciri had asked Triss to either

stop her periods or make them less painful. The witchers are embarrassed when Ciri enters the hall wearing the dress given to her by Triss. Ciri informs them that she cannot train as she is "indisposed." Vesemir agrees that Ciri can take abreak until she feels better and allows Triss to stay with her for as long as they both want.

Vesemir instructs the other witchers that if Ciri comes downstairs in the morning wearing a dress, it means she is not to be trained. Later, Triss informs the witchers that they need to limit the herbs and mushrooms given to Ciri as they could have irreversible effects on her body and hormones now that she has reached puberty. Triss emphasizes the importance of Ciri's socialization. Geralt reveals that he has already made plans to take Ciri to the Temple of Melitele in Ellander and enroll her in the Temple school in the spring. Ciri objects to leaving the keep, but Triss believes it is a good idea. Triss cautiously informs the witchers that she believes Ciri is a Source, someone with immense and potentially uncontrollable magical abilities.

Chapter 3

Triss reassuring the witchers that the Brotherhood of Sorcerers no longer pursues Sources like Ciri and that she has no intention of betraying Ciri or revealing her location. Lambert expresses doubt about Ciri being a Source because she cannot perform witcher signs, which require at least a minimal level of magical ability. Triss explains that a Source channels and absorbs magical energy unconsciously, which can be dangerous. Vesemir recounts an incident where Ciri accidentally drank a mild elixir called White Seagull and started speaking in an altered voice that was incomprehensible. Geralt shares a similar story of Ciri entering a trance after a fall during training knocked her unconscious. He mentions that Ciri woke up from a nightmare and prophesied his death and Co?n's.

Triss knowingly gives Ciri a glass of White Seagull to drink and uses a magical amulet to establish a psychic connection with Ciri during her trance. In Ciri's mind, Triss witnesses shadowy figures marching near Sodden Hill and recognizes her fallen mage comrades. Triss sees Ciri holding the Rose of Shaerrawedd, and when the thorn pricks Ciri's hand, blood flows down her palm. In an altered voice, Ciri utters the phrase, "It is only blood. The blood of elves." Lightning flashes, and Triss and Ciri

find themselves standing at the edge of a chasm filled with swirling red smoke. Ciri mentions the black knight and murmurs a few fragmented phrases: "The Child of Elder Blood," "Feainnewedd," and "The White Flame." Triss attempts to use magic to uncover the identityof the voice but encounters numerous barriers and becomes exhausted. The voice forcibly expels Triss from Ciri's mind. Triss tells Geralt that they need to seek help from a more powerful sorceress. Geralt agrees to contact Yennefer, and Triss decides to accompany them in the spring.

As spring approaches, Triss teaches Ciri the Elder Speech, the language she speaks during her trances. Triss also teaches Ciri how to apply makeup and explains that cosmetics were originally invented by the elves. Geralt helps Ciri overcome her fear of the Pendulum, an obstacle in her training. One evening during dinner, Triss grows frustrated with the witchers' view of war as a profitable adventure where they remain neutral. She reveals her anger at being presumed dead after Sodden Hill, where she was severely wounded while fighting for a cause she believed in, and she expresses her willingness to fight again. Ciri declares that she is learning to fight so she can kill the black knight. Geralt scolds Ciri for misunderstanding the purpose of her sword, and she runs out of the hall. Geralt and Triss find Ciri outside practicing with her sword, and Geralt catches her as she falls from the high wall. As the first breeze of spring reaches Kaer Morhen, the trio realizes that it is time for them to depart for Ellander.

Chapter 4

Triss falling ill during Geralt, Ciri, and Triss's journey to Ellander. She experiences a severe upset stomach and a high fever. The group arrives at a Kaedwenian army fort that was attacked the previous night by Scoia'tael commandos. The medic at the fort is concerned about the spread of Triss's illness to the surviving soldiers and suggests that they head south to catch up with another caravan on the road. This caravan is mostly composed of dwarves, and Yarpen Zigrin, one of the dwarves, recognizes Geralt and convinces the caravan's leader, Commissar Vilfrid Wenck, to let Geralt, Triss, and Ciri join them for a few days.

Ciri overhears a conversation between Yarpen and Geralt, where they reminisce about hunting a golden dragon together. Yarpen asks about Yennefer, and Geralt remains quiet. Later, Ciri hears Yarpen calling Geralt

arrogant for believing that he can truly remain neutral. Geralt leaves the wagon to ride his horse behind the caravan, and Ciri sneaks to the front of the caravan to talk to Yarpen. Yarpen expresses his belief that the conflictinvolving the Scoia'tael is more complex than it appears. He thinks that the elves are being manipulated and fed slogans by someone else to create conflicts. Ciri helps Geralt bathe Triss and change her clothes, though she feels uneasy about how Triss clings to Geralt. Outside the wagon, Yarpen advises Ciri not to mistake someone's kindness for deeper feelings. A group of Dun Banner riders from King Henselt's army briefly joins the caravan and warns them about Scoia'tael attacks. After they leave, Ciri rides ahead of the caravan to act as a forward patrol.

During one of her patrols, Ciri notices signs of fire damage and felled trees. She remembers Yarpen's words and makes a vow to never be neutral or indifferent. Ciri hears movement and hides to avoid being seen by a large group of elves. Once they are gone, Geralt finds Ciri and leads her to the nearby ruins of Shaerrawedd. Geralt shows Ciri a white rosebush growing among the rubble. The rosebush is known as Aelirenn to the elves and Elirena to humans. Elirena was a real elf who led a charge of younger elves against human armies nearly 200 years ago. Geralt explains to Ciri that being neutral does not mean he is uncaring.

Ciri picks a single rose from the bush to keep as a reminder, and the thorn pricks her finger. She has a vision of the caravan being attacked. Ciri rushes to the burning wagons and pulls Triss to safety. She is nearly stabbed by an elf who hesitates upon seeing the White Rose of Shaerrawedd pinned to Ciri's shirt. Geralt swiftly kills the elf, who cries for Aelirenn as she dies. After the battle, Yarpen is upset to discover that the cargo his men died protecting turns out to be ordinary rocks, not secret supplies. Wenck, near death, apologizes to Yarpen, revealing that the caravan's trip was a trap to test Yarpen's loyalty. Geralt places Ciri's rose on a dead elf, and Ciri asks Shaerrawedd to forgive them.

Chapter 5

Geralt boarding a small barge headed to Oxenfurt, which is his sixth trip on the barge. He has been hired by the company to kill a monster that has been attacking their ships. One of the recent victims was a young pregnant woman. As the barge approaches the harbor, Geralt

reads a letter from Ciri, who writes about her lessons with Mother Nenneke,the head priestess at the Temple school. Geralt also reads a letter from Yennefer, in which she playfully mocks him for addressing her as his "dear friend" in his previous letter. A young boy named Everett on the boat bothers Geralt, and the skipper, Boatbug, introduces Geralt to Linus Pitt, a professor of natural history at Oxenfurt Academy. Geralt and Linus debate the water monster, with Geralt referring to it as an "aeschna" and Linus believing aeschna are extinct because of witchers. They have a brief debate about this topic.

Redanian officers board the barge to inspect for smuggled goods. One of the officers, Olsen, recognizes Geralt from his previous trips and informs him that someone named Rience is inquiring about Geralt and a young girl. A Temerian ship arrives alongside the barge, and the officers arrest Geralt, accusing him of kidnapping a girl. Olsen tries to defuse the situation, but a bald Temerian officer takes Everett hostage. Suddenly, the aeschna attacks the barge, causing the bald officer and Everett to fall into the water. Geralt jumps in after them and manages to save Everett, while the aeschna kills the bald officer. Olsen pulls Geralt back onto the barge, and Linus declares the aeschna to be a "new" species. He suggests naming it after Geralt, but Geralt insists that it should be named after Everett instead.

Meanwhile, Dandelion rides through Oxenfurt on his way to the Academy. He realizes that two men are following him. When he reaches the Academy campus, he spots Shani, a medical student whom he recognizes. Dandelion points out the men following him to Shani and asks her to find Geralt for him while he tries to evade the spies. Shani agrees and expresses her excitement at meeting a real witcher. Dandelion continues walking and is confronted by the two spies in an alley. He agrees to accompany them to see Dijkstra. In a campus office, Dijkstra and Philippa Eilhart interrogate Dandelion, seeking information about Geralt and Ciri. Dijkstra reveals that Geralt took the boat job knowing it would attract Rience's attention. Philippa asks Dandelion to bring Geralt directly to them so they can inquire about the "ashen-haired girl" and Triss Merigold's whereabouts. Dandelion feigns ignorance, but Dijkstra sees through his act. Dandelion heads to an inn in town and interrupts Geralt and Shani, who are in bed together. He warns Geralt to leave town as Dijkstra isclosing in. An owl lands on the window and transforms into Philippa. Geralt asks Philippa if she knows anything

about Rience, but she doesn't have any information. However, to everyone's surprise, Shani does.

Chapter 6

King Vizimir of Redania addressing a private meeting of royals at Hagge Castle in Aedirn. Also present are King Foltest of Temeria, King Demavend of Aedirn, King Henselt of Kaedwen, and Queen Meve of Lyria. King Vizimir draws a comparison between the tension between the Northern Kingdoms and Nilfgaard and the historical conflict between elves and humans. He argues that even when the elves retreated, it did not prevent humans from provoking further conflict and seizing elven lands. King Henselt takes offense to this comparison, claiming that elves back then did not possess fighting skills. Ultimately, the royals decide to plan a false flag operation to persuade the Brotherhood and the other Northern Kingdoms to support a second war against Nilfgaard. They also agree to have Ciri killed to prevent anyone from using her to claim the throne of Cintra.

Shortly after, Marshal Menno Coehoorn reports the news of the meeting to Emperor Emhyr var Emreis of Nilfgaard. Emhyr instructs Coehoorn to inform the Brotherhood about the meeting and asks about Rience's report. Emhyr gives new orders to Rience, instructing him to kill Geralt immediately but not to harm Yennefer. A young knight in black armor joins them, and Emhyr reveals that he spared the knight from execution to rectify his failure in Cintra two years ago.

Ciri wakes up at the Temple of Melitele. She had dreamt of Geralt conversing with two unfamiliar individuals about Rience. Ciri tries to listen in on a conversation between Mother Nenneke and Yennefer but falls asleep again. In her dream, Yennefer leads Ciri through a long hallway with multiple doors, mentioning that there is still time for Ciri to turn back if she is afraid.

The mages Tissaia de Vries, Vilgefortz of Roggeveen, and Artaud Terranova gather to discuss the report regarding the plans of the Northern kings. Vilgefortz proposes a meeting of all court mages to find a way to prevent another war. He repeats a phrase that had appeared in Ciri's dreams, "You've mistaken the stars reflected on the surface of the lake at night for the heavens." Lydia van Bredevoort, Vilgefortz's assistant, delivers a report from an unknown source claiming that Geralt

has died. Tissaia detects anillusion in Vilgefortz's workshop and suspects him of tracking Yennefer.

Geralt, Dandelion, Shani, and Philippa visit Myhrman, a reclusive individual living near the port to whom Shani sells stolen medical supplies to cover her tuition fees. Shani recalls Myhrman mentioning a guest named Rience. Shani manages to lure Myhrman outside, and Geralt knocks him unconscious. Meanwhile, Rience hires the Michelet brothers, professional hitmen, to assist him in killing Geralt.

When Myhrman regains consciousness, Philippa uses magic to extract information from his mind after he refuses to talk about Rience. Geralt uses an amulet given by the mage to lure Rience. He easily defeats the Michelet brothers, and Philippa extracts information from one of them before he dies. A portal opens in the street, and Rience attempts to escape, but Geralt stops him. In the ensuing confrontation, Rience injures Geralt severely, and Philippa immobilizes Geralt with magic to prevent him from pursuing Rience through the portal. She informs Geralt that Rience is a minor concern compared to the greater task of "protecting" Ciri.